HACCP Training
Basics of HACCP: This course is designed for individuals who need to have formal HACCP training and fulfills all requirements for regulatory HACCP and third-party food safety systems.
Employee HACCP: This half-day course introduces production workers and sanitation employees to fundamental food safety requirements, the importance of food safety systems, and why HACCP is being implemented.
(COMING SOON!) Advanced HACCP: A two-day course that focuses on validation and verification activities and the relationship HACCP has with third-party certifications and the Global Food Safety Initiative.
HACCP Planning
HACCP planning is actually Food Safety Program planning. Dakota Global develops or helps develop all types of food safety plans that are either required by the USDA or FDA (regulatory plans) or by your customers (third-party plans) including those that support the Global Food Safety Initiative.
New government rules and third-party pressures are requiring most processors to significantly upgrade their current pre-requisite programs, or develop additional plans that previously haven’t been required.
Dakota Global views HACCP as a philosophical process of how to keep products safe, which means it must be part of your business culture. It requires several key components that aren’t product related like management commitment, the development of a HACCP team, developing a facility diagram to complete a hazard analysis and more. Dakota Global does not do HACCP plans alone; company commitment is required to ensure success.
Each plan much be developed specifically for your product and process and Dakota Global is the right partner to help.
HACCP Auditing
Auditing is sometimes the hardest part of the food safety equation. Internal audits are often conducted by the very same personnel responsible for food safety and this could result in bias or blindness towards outcome.
Dakota Global provides expert, internal auditing. We asses the system, provide feedback and prepare you to pass regulatory or third party audits. We also help keep audits current to ensure you’re meeting requirements set by both the government and your customers.